Wednesday 18 September 2013

#2013-78 Bodega, The Golden Gate, San Francisco Bay to Redwood City

Our abalone feast at Willie-Birds house in Valley Ford made for sweet ocean dreams.  We awoke at 3:30 for an early morning start to an entry into San Francisco to a) avoid the Americas Cup racing today on the Bay, and b) to avoid the ebb tide.  The plan is to ride the flood into and across the Bay turning towards Redwood City.  Expect to be at the Golden Gate by 10 am.

The ride from Bodega to Point Reyes this morning was bumpy.  Our course took us across the face of the big swells.  At times the swells combined forming a giant swell.  The Wild Blue would roll deeply before righting as the stabilizers were not effective in this stuff. Sounds of crashing and bouncing added to the ocean noise as items flew across the salon and pilothouse.  So far it seems that there really isn't any damaged items, but then we're afraid to open any cupboards.
After Point Reyes we turned eastward, pointing down the NW swells and dramatically improving the ride, and fulfilling our sweet ocean dreams.  As we approach the City the boat is showing on  More later......

We rounded Point Bonita to see the Golden Gate. The flood current is pushing us along at +3 knots so we're doing 10's and 11's. Surprising lack of shipping at this time.
11 am Update:  We're turning southward again into south San Francisco Bay.  Our Redwood City slip at Westpoint Marina is ready.  We've had a fine cruise down the coast a hope to go back up this spring.  Should be more exciting times.  Thanks for following along.

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  1. This Blog has been stolen from it's creator. The updated original Blog can be seen at
