Tuesday 10 September 2013

#2013-70 Around Cape Flattery and south to Grays Harbor

We got under way at 4:20 a.m. this morning leaving Neah Bay Harbor.  Of course it was pitch black but there was no fog and happily there was no logs in the water. Current was as much as 2 knots against us as the flood tide was rushing into the Strait of San Juan Fuca. We decided against the hole in the wall shortcut instead going outside Tatoosh island before turning south. First light came at 5:40 a.m. We had excellent visibility and  horizon..  By 630 it was fogged in again and now visibility is the same in 3 foot seas with very little wind . Our ETA for Grays Harbor hopefully is 5 p.m. in order to make slack current at the Grays Harbor entrance. Slack currant means only 3 foot seas at the entrance bar.  The seas go to 6 feet at max ebb tide.  Marinetraffic.com doesn't show us this morning probably because there are no AIS receivers on this part of the coast. Later.

10 am update:  We're off La Push, Washington.  Sunny, warm, and nearly flat seas. Making good time to be at Grays Harbor by 5pm slack.

The Washington coast off La Push.

Sage of the Sea

1 pm update:  Making great progress and should be into Grays Harbor by 5 but in dense fog again.

Off the Washington coastline.

5 pm:  We're into Westport Marina at Grays Harbor and now showing up on MarineTraffic.com.  The Chehalis River Bar was nearly flat  Hopes it's this way when we leave tomorrow.

Alex will be tipping his deck had Dick.
On the Transient Float 21
Dick is always looking for a new boat.  He really likes this
Westport 144.
We dined at the One-Eyed Crab restaurant. Both of us ordered the Trio: fresh prawns, clams, and crab in a seasoned boil.  It was excellent.  It must be good as there was a line of locals out the door when we finished!

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