Thursday 12 September 2013

#2013-72 Tillamook Bay to Newport

We crossed the bar with dozens of small craft filled with fisherman at 6:45 am.  Each commercial boat was required to check in with Coast Guard Tillamook.  The CG has a tower constructed on the breakwater near the bar to call those that don't report.  They also launched a CG surf boat to check out and report the bar conditions.  These are repeatedly broadcast on VHF 22A.

Traffic ready to cross the bar at slack.
Tillamook Bay Coast Guard tower.
We avoided this portion of the bar.
Coast Guard surf boat.

This mornings bar crossing.

Ocean is 5 foot swells at large intervals.  Less than 5 knots of SE wind so no sign of chop yet.  ETA at Newport about 2 pm.  Later.

9 am update:  The ocean has become much happier today. We now have a 3-foot rolling swell with less than 3 knots for wind.  A bit bouncy but MUCH better than yesterdays pounding.

Three arch rock.
Cape Lookout.  The anchorage on the south side near shore looked
pretty good:  flat seas with just a hint of swell and no wind.  Still
probably best in northwest seas and winds.
1:30 pm update:  The ocean has glassed off.  Just a small swell now.  Expect to enter Yaquina Bay and Newport at 2:20.

Yaquina Head light.
Prettier up close.
2:30 pm: We crossed the Yaquina Bay bar without issue.  Moored at South Beach Marina  for the night.  Heading out at 6am for Coos Bay.

Newport Harbor in Yaquina Bay
The bridge to somewhere.

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