Sunday 21 July 2013

#2013-45 Cape Chacon, McLean Arm then Ketchikan Hospital!

After yesterday's sojourn, we slept late then headed out to fish the Cape.  Once outside, the seas were just too sloppy for comfortable trolling so we proceeded to round the Cape in the mist of a seiner opening. About 30 seiners and their tenders were working the water from the Cape along the eastern coast of POW Island.  We watched the fishing excitement then entered McLean Arm expecting to anchor for the night. We had lunch then fished at anchor for halibut and rockfish in about 50 feet without much success.

For the last couple days we've been noticing the back side Bob's hand swell larger and larger.  He was bitten by a deer fly some days ago.  The deer flies have been out in force this summer up in Alaska.  Alex was bitten twice without much swelling but plenty of itch. With Bob's hand growing larger by the day we decided it was best to get him to a doctor.  So our cruise into Ketchikan began at 4:30 PM and we hoped to arrive just before dark.  After 5 hours we made Ketchikan City Float and pulled into a loading zone where a cab took Bob to the E/R.

The doctor confirmed the deer fly bite saying some people have different reactions.  He gave Bob a prescription for what turned out to be over-the-counter Sudafed.  A couple tablets at bedtime had the swelling under control by the next day.

Seiner fishing off  eastern edge of Cape Chacon
An anchorage in McLean Arm.
Bob's hands still worked fine for chefing.
Here's his smoked duck breast or salmon salad on cracker.
Sauteed Polenta in Marinara with Parmesan

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