Saturday 20 July 2013

#2013-44 Hydaburg to Nichols Bay

On Saturday Alex had to do 30 minutes of payables verification but needed cell or wifi service.  So we pulled into Hydaburg mid-morning.  The dock floats we in a state of construction so we tied up where we could and headed into the small native village.  After asking around at the market, school and library we found out that AT+T cell service is needed.  We all have Verizon, but a nice local Hydaburh resident gave Alex his phone to call the office and complete his work. What nice folks!

Hydaburg harbor was under construction with new pilings
and floats being installed. 
The Haida Girl was here in 2010 our last visit.  
Think globally, but act locally!  We were hot from all the walking
and needed a Popsicle but couldn't locate Hessa's Nana's house.
We exited Hydaburg for Cape Chacon area.  It was an 8-hour motor but included some sunny weather, spectacular views and the sweet perfume of boiling crab.  We finally pulled into Nichols bay at 8 PM and were treated to fresh crab salad dinner.

The town of Hydaburg as we pass southward.

Approaching the Cape Chacon area.

Vince is goo-goo eyed over this crab.
Bob shows off the crabs of Natzuhini Bay.
Crab salad with accouterments.
Marvin, Vince and Bob toast to the rough life in Alaska with
wine from San LUIS Obispo!

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