Friday 19 July 2013

#2013-43 Craig to Crabbing near Hydaburg

On Friday after a nice breakfast we shoved off for cabbing near Hydaburg with fishing along the way.  As we approached Cape Flores headed southwest, we noticed about 6 boats in close to the shoreline reeling them in.  So we set the troll lines and started really getting lots of Cohos.  We became a bit selective attempting to release the smaller fish in hopes a bigger to follow.

Marvin is always the best dressed fisherman.
Here his nicely pressed crew pants are are
in need of a blood splatter specialist.
Where's Dexter when you need him?
Is this a keeper?

Bob gets a big Coho.

A barge load of fish guts builds the crab population.
 We landed about 7 fish in 90 minutes then needed to leave to make Tlevak narrows at slack current.  This Narrows is the choke point for lots of water moving around the south side of Prince of Wales Island.  Once through we found a cove on Dall Island and dropped the hook for lunch.  Afterwards we headed towards Hydaburg via South Pass but then north into Natzuhini Bay.  The Douglass Guide discourages anchoring here because of uncharted rocks and shoals.  But we felt our way inside without problems and found a secure anchorage in the western most corner of the Bay.  This bay looks crabby so we set two traps baited with salmon heads.  After just a few hours we had a couple keepers and reset the traps for the morning haul.

Bob's New Orleans Jambalya with prawns, halibut, and vegetables.

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