Wednesday 28 July 2010

#53 Shilshole Bay

We arose at 4:30AM in the dark and left the dock at first light. We weren't the only ones as we joined the crowd of sports fishers, an exodus from Everett towards the salmon of Possession Sound. At 6AM we entered the trolling cycle with scores of other boats, zig-zagging across, up and down current, in the area just off Whitbey Island's southern tip. There were fish. We could see them and the bait balls clustered underneath us. We used diving planes to get our tackle deep, down where the fish showed up. We're not convinced they work so well. After 3 hours we had 3 hookups. We landed three fish. They were all large ......... dogfish! Yuk! We moved onto Shilshole Bay Marina.

Shilshole is a first class marina with easy access and fine docks. It is also close to another tourist sight: the Chittenden Locks. The Locks allow vessels large and small to enter and exit Lake Washington and Lake Union to and from Puget Sound. It 25-minute walk from the marina to the Locks and it was good to stretch our legs. The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks were built in 1908. Locally they are known as the Ballard Locks. The Locks maintain Lake Union and Lake Washington at 20 feet above sea level. The Locks are operated by the Army Corp of Engineers. My favorite time at the Locks is Sunday afternoon about happy hour. Don't be surprised if a transiting boat skipper offers you a cocktail!

Sea gulls spaced evenly apart guard the Ballard Locks.

Two large towing tugs enter the locks westbound out to sea for Alaska.

These are BIG tugs!

Both big and small boats pass through the locks, these kayaks being the smallest.

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