Wednesday 21 July 2010

#48 Roche Harbor

We said goodbye to Victoria today and just as we had Wild Blue untied from the dock and turned to exit the Harbour, the Coho ferry came around the corner into the inner harbour, causing us to jog to starboard to give the big ship turning room. Thanks to our AIS system, we saw Coho coming before she rounded and waited for her to pass.

The Coho ferry built in 1959 still operates on schedule to and from Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, BC.

Once outside Victoria, we had flat seas with sun, mixed with the occasional fog bank. We hugged the southeastern coastline of Vancouver Island using Mayor then Baynes Channel to clear the Island's coast into Haro Strait. Fast moving whale watch vessels zipped past us, and in turn we both zipped past groups of kayaks. Ship traffic seemed to be increasing and we crossed the shipping lane between two large container vessels in a low fog bank, relying on radar and AIS to delineate their locations . We reached the west coast of San Juan Island as the fog lifted and entered Mosquito Pass to Roche Harbor. We prepared for US Customs clearance.

Whale watch vessels speed tourists to the last reported Orca whale position. I sure hope they slow down for the whales!

Kayaks must dodge the whale watchers and other pleasure boats.

Our US Customs experience was expedient. We only needed to trash two tomatoes and our American cigars were once again allowed into the USA. The customs agent didn't question our ornamental indoor plants as in the past. Roche Harbor Marina had a moorage assignment for us and we tied to the dock once again. We roamed ashore visiting the sights. Willie prepared a multi-course epicurean epic feast. It was a real "guys" style dinner.

Appetizer: Butterfly prawns in garlic and olive oil
Salad: Shrimp and Dungeness crab over lettuce, tomato, red onions topped with dressing choice
First Main: BBQ duck breast, sliced rare.
Second Course: Baked Buffalo chicken wings.
Dessert: John Wayne in Rio Lobo.

Butterfly prawns in garlic and olive oil

Shrimp and Dungeness crab over lettuce, tomato, red onions topped with dressing choice

BBQ duck breast, sliced rare

Sunset over Roche Harbor.

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