Monday 17 August 2009

#68 – Fury Cove to Blunden Harbor

We're up at 5:30AM and ready to leave within ½ hour. Three of the eight boats have already pulled anchor and left. There's not much daylight so dim pilothouse displays and brilliant outside running lights are the call. The 4AM forecast was for fair weather and calm seas, the best conditions for crossing Queen Charlotte Sound. The Sound is open to the west as far as Japan and seas can be nasty. Today the seas are flat, wind is calm..... we can stow the Dramamine. Wild Blue leads Z-Worthy through the inside route towards Cape Caution.

This is our fourth crossing of QC Sound. Previously we've taken the outside route, crossing in front of Table Island and the many small islets and rocks that dot the coast above Cape Caution. When the weather is rough, the seas are the worst in this area just above the Cape. Today we decide to explore an inside route that could be used when crossing with BIG seas to soften the ride.

From Fury heading south we run close behind Dugout Rocks and James Rocks; across Irving, Radar Passages, and carefully through Cluster Reef; behind Table and Egg Islands in Smith Sound; across Alexandra Passage; and finally behind Denny Rocks. We pop out with a short way to complete the rounding of Cape caution. The route seems a bit calmer than the already calm conditions and our dry run will be put to good use in the future when transiting in rougher conditions.

Our route across Queen Charlotte Sound and Cape Caution to Blunden Harbor

We're around the Cape by 8:30AM and headed southeast along BC's mainland coastline. Bay 11:30 we're abreast of Blunden Harbor and decide to spend the night here. Blunden is a popular anchorage for north and south bound boats and we expect a full anchorage by late this afternoon. Z-Worthy anchors here as well and Ron begins cooking. By the end of the day 10 boats have joined us including Lucky Pup and Long Ranger. Ron invites us to dine on Z-Worthy. We accept.

Ron's fresh Coho row sushi appetizers

Ron's spicy Thai chicken. Yes occasionally we have a non seafood dish too.

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