Tuesday 4 August 2009

#58 - Santa Anna Inlet to Lyman Cove, Prince of Wales Island.

It was tough sleeping with all that salmon racket so we sacked out until late morning. To brighten our day, Peter prepares us his English breakfast specialty: Toast Soldiers. Peter has lived in the US for decades, but hasn't forgotten British Isles culture, and Toast Soldiers are as British, as apple pie is American. Below we reveal the secret English recipe for this mainstay of England's youth.

1. Soft boil an egg for three minutes.
2. Place boiling hot egg in egg cup.
3. Cut buttered toast into 1-inch strips.

4. Using the butter knife, cut top off egg.

5. Egg should be soft on the inside.

6. Dip buttered toast strip into egg yolk.

7. Enjoy your Toast Soldier like every good Englishman.

Today visit Lyman Cove on Prince of Wales Island's eastern coastline. Per the chart, it has a shallow bar at the entrance so we'll need a “plus tide” to insure we don't scrape bottom. It is a simple run down Ernest Sound then a slight left turn down Clarence Strait, altogether just over 5 hours. We arrive with room to spare under Wild Blue's keel and anchor in solitude.

The route to Lyman Cove.

At anchor is the solitude of Lyman Cove.

The view deeper into the cove.

The view outside Lyman Cove highlights two major engines of Southeast Alaska's economy: tourism and fishing.

After a fitful game of Mexican Train, we retire to lick our wounds. Goodnight.

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