Thursday 20 June 2013

#2013-28 King City Revisited

There was no question where to fish today. King City is it.  We fished until noon and departed for Sitka to get our fish to the processor before the end of business.

This week we've consumed some kind of fish every day.  Here's a short list of our "fishy" epicurean adventures:
Barbecue marinated king salmon on cedar plank
Steamed king salmon in pouch
Barbecue grilled king salmon.
Salt and Sugared Gravlax Coho "Lox"
Salmon salad sandwich
Whale Bay salmon and fish soup
Baked salmon bellies
Crab enchiladas
Fresh warm crab
Baked Black Cod

Another fine coho salmon dinner.
Crab quesadillas and variations..
Cod and king dinner.
The Coast Guard rescue is always at sea or in the air.
The bridge marks the return to Sitka Harbor.

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