Wednesday 8 May 2013

#2013-08 Finally Cape Caution and Beyond

This morning the 4AM weather forecast was not good, but the local conditions were good so we headed northwest again.  This time we gave Slingsby Channel a wide berth and enjoyed good sea conditions. It was an uneventful rounding except for a hitch-hiking bird.  A land bird, non seabird, landed on the boat about 5 miles before Cape Caution.  There was a low hazy fog and the shoreline didn't become visible until just at the Cape.  At that point the hitch-hiker got his bearings and flew away towards land.

We anchored in Pruth Bay on Calvert Island.  This was just a wifi stop and allowed us to access the Hakai Conference Center's open system.  We updated the Blog up to yesterday.  The wifi speed was just OK and slower than previous visits.  Hakai has apparently throttled the throughput down to 1 mbps, probably due to visiting boats watching Netflix movies and chewing up the bandwidth. No more Skpe calls from Hakai.

After a couple hours of wifi we headed to Codville Lagoon, set the prawn traps and anchored for the night.

The Planet Group:  Mercury, Mars and Jupiter Islands in Hakai Passage.

Skinny Ward Channel.

Narrow entrance to BIG Codville Lagoon.
Pat's tomato, basil paste and mozzarella cheese dinner.

Seal team activity in Codville.

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