Monday 3 September 2012

#31 - Single-Handed Around Cape Caution

Normally we like to cruise with at least one crew.  In fact Alex likes a crowd aboard.  But there are times, due to unforeseen circumstances, crew is just not available. Such was the case Sunday, August 19th once Alex placed Admiral Pat on a flight home.  Once back aboard, it was time to shove off for points south to eventually round Cape Caution.  New crew arrives in Port McNeill on Friday, so Alex has a few days to make the rounding.

Just before departing, the Selene 53 Albannach arrived at Shearwater towing a sport-fisher tender.  The skipper was single-handing his boat and tender.  Once tied to the float Alex shared single-handing tips with the owner before casting off.

Namu seemed like a good target destination for today.  Once underway, Alex has a checklist of crew tasks to accomplish along with his captain duties; fender and line stowage first, then making lunch, and all while cruising by autopilot.  It was clear sailing around Denny Island into Fitz Hugh Sound.  The Sound was calm and Namu was easily fetched, but the Sound's water was so flat it seemed best to move down to Pruth Bay for it's wifi capabilities.  The boat was routed west of Nalau Island through Ward Channel then across Hakai Strait as a shortcut to Pruth Bay.  Upon arrival, the Bay was crowded with 16 at anchor, nevertheless Alex set the hook to surf the net.

Pretty shortcut to Pruth Bay

After net fun, it became clear that the anchorage was just too crowded.  So with several hours of daylight remaining, Alex set a course for Safety Cove, just 90 minutes further down Calvert Island.  Safety Cove turned out to be too exposed to passing ships, so course was set to Pierce Bay.  Once there it too was filled so as a final destination, Little Frypan was it.  This nearly landlocked bay is bullet proof from storms so you would think it would be crowded.  It wasn't and Alex set the anchor in the dark with only a small Nordic Tug as companion.

On Monday, the 4AM weather was perfect for crossing the Queen Charlotte Sound and Strait.  At 6AM first light the Wild Blue was heading for the inshore route around Cape Caution in flat waters without wind.   The flat seas and calm winds held all day so after a 9-hour run Port McNeill was gained and the Fuel Dock Marina served as moorage for the next several days while waiting for crew to arrive.

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