Tuesday 11 May 2010

#8 Port McNeill

On Sunday we returned our unwatched DVDs to Sullivan Bay's office then started for Port McNeill, a 30-mile cruise southwest across Queen Charlotte Strait. It was a gray day with little wind and flat seas. We saw a few larger pleasure craft taking advantage of the calm conditions heading north to cross the QC Sound and round Cape Caution. It would be a great day for that.

Last bit of land at Percy Island before 15 miles of Queen Charlotte Strait

Upon arrival in Port McNeill, we saw two other Selenes and with just a few boats around, we moored just behind Raindancer at the privately run Shell fuel docks. We soon learned that the docks are being reconfigured and there was no power. So it's just like being anchored: we run the generator a couple times per day to wash clothes, keep our freezer cold and charge the batteries.

Like us, the new Selene 59 Raindancer has been cruising north into BC from the Selene Rendevous

Pat and I called our moms with Mother Day wishes and our own kids actually called their mom this year! We had prolonged Skype phone calls at 2.1 cents per minute instead of .89 using the cell. We celebrated the day at the local steak house with fresh prawns.

On Monday morning we moved the boat across the bay to the Port operated marina and signed up for a month's moorage. We ran across the crew from the Selene 57 Argo which was also moored here. This Selene is one of the first 57's built and has every conceivable option and piece of electronics that could possibly be installed on a boat. Canadians Yogi and Sue are the third owners of Argo which was built in 2004 and remains in like-new condition.

Argo is traveling with two other Canadian boats while exploring the Broughtons and points north. The group invited us for drinks and we had lively discussions with these friendly Canadians. Although quite proud, and rightly so, of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics they offered their condolences for beating the US in the final hockey game! This is the second such condolence message from Canadians in the last two weeks. As with most US-Canada cocktail conversation, goverment and politics dominate many of the topics. They think there is a better solution to illegal immigration than the "Arizona" approach; they envy our low tax rate, deductible interest and property taxes and California's Proposition 13; and they are sure that the average US citizen is way more nationalistic than a Canadian. From the land of many flagpoles with the Maple Leaf flying high, the US is more patriotic? Over the last 15 years of traveling/crusing in BC, this is a surprise.

We're heading back to California for a few weeks for doctor and dentist appointments, fund-raising events, business meetings and trail riding. We plan to be cruising again in June and will send out another email letting you know when we resume cruising. Later.

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