Saturday 18 July 2009

#42 – Dundas Bay to Hoonah

At 6AM we stuck our nose outside Dundas Bay to get cell service. We needed to contact Glacier Bay National Park to confirm our entry permit, allowing the boat to anchor in Bartlett Cove for crew transfer. The cell came to life just as we entered Icy Strait and we confirmed our permit. Our permit started tomorrow, so we had to remain outside the park until then. Hoonah seemed the closest port with supplies and internet and we decided that would be today's goal.

Then we motored close to the shore, on the NW side of North Passage, just outside the entrance to Glacier Bay. It was foggy and often we couldn't see the shore, only note it on the radar and chart plotter. We noticed two creek outfalls and slowly began trolling the first one. Bam! Immediately we hooked up Cohos on the diving planes. Coho and after Coho, small, medium and some large. So we kept a few large ones, topping off the cooler for the Semonsens and Ages flight home to Los Osos.

Our route to Hoonah with a fishing detour.

After a couple of hours in the fog, listening the humpbacks blowing, watching salmon jump, and reeling in many Coho, we moved on to Hoonah. Once there we cleaned the boat, and prepped for tomorrow's crew change in Bartlett Cove.

It's been a fun couple weeks with the Semonsens and Ages. They're always ready for adventure and prepared to find the bright side of any challenge.

The new crew are the poker playing cowboys and cowgirls from SLO town: the Frenchs and Fontes. This group is eager to see Glaciers and Chuck French wants to compare them to the ice from his January trip to the Antarctic. He's bringing his 3-foot zoom lens to get a closeup. They arrive on Monday, so Alex has a day to relax and update the Blog.

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